Sunday, 17 March 2013

The old me.

Hopefully in this post I will examine the reasons I have chosen to roll anew and see how it goes in Eve Online.

Old me.

The new me.

Why haven't I gone back to my old characters? this can probably be split into three parts.

First, starting afresh allows me to gain a newer perspective of the game itself and what its like to be the low Skill Point player once more based out of high-sec. This has been a little annoying and yet quite good at the same time. I've been mostly just updating skill queues so far on my new character, basing myself out of Hek - Boundless Creation station (aka the trade hub). Ive good access to just about everything I need at reasonable prices whilst still being able to do a little market trading to make some start-up ISK.
Having completed the new player experience I've a greater idea of what it was like starting out.

Secondly having a new character does not tie me to links and friendships and a history which my previous characters have. In Eve, your corporation history can tell a story and can limit you if you wish to move on. Starting afresh means I've none of that to really worry about. So if I choose to apply to a corporation I'm showing up as a new old player returning. In itself that's not great and I will probably have some explaining to do.

Finally I've grown and moved away from how I was in the days where I was a line member in null-sec. A veil has been drawn back and I can truly see what I was part of and to me I have come to despise it. What I'm referring to here is that null-sec is so broken now that the massive alliances and coalitions they have formed don't want to go to war for real. They would rather just thunder dome once again. No doubt your thinking that I'm yet another person who is totally against the large null-sec alliances, that perhaps I have an axe to grind against them because they picked on me or something. I don't.
What I intensely dislike is the fact that null-sec has reached a stage where it is essentially a big blue doughnut which so many other people have described. That the people at the top are the same people as years ago. That its the same alliances holding space. The same cultures, the same people, the same everything. Yes null-sec has stagnated. This is in part because of CCP, but this is also in part because of the alliances have become too good at what they do and that the people at the top have not moved on or refuse to.
I hold a great deal of respect for some of them, e.g. Shadoo, Montolio, The Mittani each for different reasons. But I also hate them to a certain extent for not moving on to the next challenge, and not allowing new people to step up to the challenges.

 Anyway that's enough of that rant for now, back to the topic at hand.

Starting afresh also allows me as I've previously stated to truly get to know ship classes that I bypassed and skipped when I rushed towards the bigger and better ships of the time, (Battle cruisers and Battleships).

At the moment I'm looking forward to giving the assault frigates and interceptors a good run around with in the future. To this end I've been focusing my skill training on fitting skills and small weaponry support skills and so on that will be needed to get the best from these ships. This will also stand me in good stead for further progression into cruisers, T2 cruisers and T3 strategic cruisers, which at the moment are my goal.

I have however made a slight detour in my skill training to be able to fly the Corax, and Oh blimey. I like the look of it a hell of a lot, CCP art department is really good at space ships now.

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