Saturday, 23 March 2013

Quick Update

Not a whole lot is happening on the Eve Online front. Stuff is going on ingame. But I'm not really taking part.
I've realised that I will need to train many many long skills so I'm doing that now, or at least ones which feel long as they give no immediate or real benefit to a certain extent. What am I talking about? the core skills.
Like; Electronics 5, Engineering 5, Mechanics 5, Weapon Upgrades 5, Eletronic Upgrades 5, Frigate 5, Energy Management 5, and a whole bunch more.

All these skills are going to be necessary to get the most out of the ships I will be flying, in terms of fitting them as well as flying them, along with their inherent bonuses.
So they're all necessary if I want to make the most of the ships, which I do, but at the moment it feels as though they do nothing, as they are not really improving much on my existing fits.

So during this somewhat boring skill training time, I've gone off on a tangent in my gaming to some extent.

I recently got Assassins Creed 2 from the Steam Summer Sale, (Thanks!) this is a really great game to run round in and feel somewhat immersed. Ubisoft just break it with the whole meta plot and all the flashy white stuff every now and again from getting you more involved. However, Ezio is a fairly kickass person to play as, jumping around assassinating people with little regard to their security.

I've also been playing PlanetSide 2 again.
I just recently unlocked the Haymaker shotgun in this and stuck a x2 red dot sight on it and the extended magazine. Oh wow, it makes the game fun to play again and changes up the grind for other upgrades for it and my classes.
The reason I went for a shotgun is simply because unlocking it with my 1000 cert's which seemed to take forever to grind, unlocked it not only for my main to classes, Light Assault and Combat Medic, but also for the Engineer and Heavy Assault, which means should I ever feel the need to switch to one of these other classes I've a good weapon to start out with.
I will also point out that my guy is in the TR, I tried NC pre flinch patch and found it grossly annoying when my aim constantly ended up on the moon instead of the enemies face whenever they shot near me. Thus I switched over and enjoyed actually being able to kill the Vanu in a near straight fight.

And going back to Eve Online once more.
It looks like I'm going to be on my own in it for now as my friends who said they would try it on a whole don't have the time to do it justice, or to really get into it. Which is fair enough. But means when I am ready I'm going to be looking for a EU wormhole corp to join. Hopefully in a Class 3-4. I would prefer to find a smaller less well known group play with rather than one of the bigger well known groups.

CCP have also just today held an ingame event which I give them great kudos for doing in that its progressing the storyline of the Empires and so on. But I am also incredibly disappointed with them about the way they went about it at the same time.
If your not aware this was the Battle for Caldari Prime. With the Gallente and Caldari going at one another. Capsuleers were able to help shoot all the things in space as everything was tagged suspect. Thats all cool. The progression is cool as I've already stated.
What isn't cool is that they had already decided the outcome of the fight and it looks as though they also stacked the fight to make sure they got the outcome they wanted. In my book this isn't cool. Here was a chance to allow high sec people to make a difference, or infact anyone to make a meaningful difference to the history of the game, and CCP denied the players it, by deciding that the Caldari would lose and that the Leviathan class titan would be destroyed and parts of it crash onto the surface of Caldari Prime.
How do we know this?
Earlier in the week was some footage from a Dust 514 battle which apparently took place on Caldari Prime in which in the background was visible the burning wreckage of one Caldari Leviathan class titan.
Well done CCP I applaud you in not giving the players a chance to influence the history of the game in a meaningful way and in essence playing the god GM card, by making sure it went a certain way.
They might as well just have made a video of it and uploaded it after downtime in which they removed the titan from Caldari Prime orbit. They've done similar before.
It looks like CCP has recently taken a good couple of steps forward lately and then taken this one back in my opinion.

Anyway that's it from me.

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