Monday 25 March 2013

Media of the Week

Where to start?

Image of the Week.

Leviathan wreckage on Caldari Prime.

When I first saw it I was shocked. Then I was awed.
Its something which really helps hammer home the scale of the ships in eve. However I believe CCP will have a really good quality version of this that they should release in my honest opinion. I may be a Caldari fanboy, but its a damn good piece of work which I would like as my desktop background for a while.
As a further note on images, though not an image per-see CCP has updated the look of their community website and released a dev blog about it. Linky.

Video of the Week.

Clear Skies 3 by Ian Chisholm

Literally if your interested at all in Eve Online and have not seen these your missing out big time.
There are in actual fact three separate Clear Skies movies, 1,2 and 3. The third and last one is possibly the best out of the three. But its necessary to a certain extent to watch the first two to fully understand what's actually going on.
This is the sort of thing I wish we saw more of for many more games, and I wish we saw more of this kind of thing for eve, as Its pretty damn great. It is if anything a testimony to how dedicated and invested the eve community is with the game. I know for a fact that when this was released when I was in Test that nearly everyone began downloading it to watch it as soon as word spread it was available, with most people logging out of game shortly after finishing downloading it to watch it.

Music of the Week.

Something Dark is Coming. - Bear McCeary.

I chose this for this week's piece because it is again one of my many favourite tracks, one which I can listen to on an endless loop without getting bored of it infact.
Bear McCeary did a fantastic job with the Battlestar Galactica soundtracks on a whole. Parts of them are not great in my opinion but others he has shown some true skill in.
The whole feel that this piece is building up to something unknown in the future I think perfectly fits with the nature of the reasonably brief Odyssey announcement. We don't know much, it sounds like it could be epic and it could turn eve into a more dark and dangerous place.

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